~ Feel Better ~ Look Better ~ Perform At Your Best

Avoid The Nightmares From Poor Sleep.

When the stress of a busy career spills into the night, it can cause your mind to race at bedtime, leading to endless tossing and a terrible night of sleep.

But did you know that missing out on quality sleep is also linked to serious health issues?

• Heart Disease
• Obesity
• Mood Disorders
• Memory Loss
• Depression

Poor sleep can even affect your looks and relationships with those you care about.

Sleep isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity for a happy and successful life.

Traditional Sleep Aides Aren’t Solving The Problem.

The National Institutes of Health states that nearly 1/3 of US adults still complain about poor sleep despite spending $40 billion annually on sleep aids. And the risks of addiction and negative side effects are very real.

Pills are not the solution...
You are.

Make Your Dream Of Better Sleep Come True.

Happy Slumber is proud to introduce Sleep Away Stress.™ The on-demand educational program designed to teach busy professionals how to get peaceful sleep in a stressful world.

Our unique 4-week program is an easy to follow blueprint based on science backed methods. You’ll learn how to take back control of your sleep and provide your body with the deep rest it needs to help you feel better, look better, and perform at your best.

It’s an all natural permanent solution that offers you a lifetime of benefits.


“It’s such a relief. I finally learned how to take control of my sleep. I’m more relaxed during the day and can fall asleep at bedtime without stressing about it.”
– Jacob


“My brain fog has lifted, and people have noticed. I think better, feel better, and have energy all day long.”
– Pamela

Experience A Night & Day Difference.

The stress of a busy career and poor sleep are linked together, creating a 24-hour problem. We believe the only way to solve this is to offer you a 24-hour solution. You can’t improve your nightly sleep unless you also reduce your daily stress.

The Sleep Away Stress™ program helps you all night, and all day.

  • During the first week we’ll teach you how to get better sleep at night by adjusting your morning routines.
  • In the second week you’ll learn new ways to manage the daily stress that keeps you up at night.
  • You’ll learn how to properly wind down in the evening before bedtime in week three.
  • And in the fourth week you’ll learn personalized techniques to fall asleep even faster and sleep deeper.

  • Step-by-Step Success Plan

    We’ll teach you how to take the small daily steps that lead to big improvements in your sleep.

  • Fits Your Busy Schedule

    On-demand and available 24/7. Lessons are self-paced and easy to follow with short, concise videos.

  • Lower Your Daily Stress

    Learn simple ways to conquer daily stress, a hidden cause of the racing thoughts that prevent your sleep.

  • Online Community Support

    Get questions answered, share your experience, and learn from others.

Using Neuroscience To Improve Your Sleep.

Inspired by current university research, our Sleep Away Stress™ program helps create the deep sleep that allows your brain to make neural connections overnight to reduce stress naturally.

Our program uses proven Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBTi) methods, the gold standard in treating insomnia.

And our stress management techniques were chosen specifically to help relax the mind of busy professionals like you.

Seats Are Limited. Enroll Now.

To maintain a quality experience for everyone who enrolls, access to the Sleep Away Stress program is limited. So don’t delay. Give your body the deep sleep it needs to help you feel better, look better and perform at your best.

Meet Your Instructor: Timothy Roberts

Timothy is a certified sleep consultant, international speaker, and communication expert. His clients have included some of the biggest names in healthcare, including the Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic and Mass General Hospital.

Timothy is known for his innovation in making complex topics easy to understand for all audiences. His communication programs have won over 100 industry awards.

He holds an MFA in Communication Design from Virginia Commonwealth University and certificates in innovation studies from Stanford, Dartmouth and M.I.T.

Get Better Sleep. Guaranteed.

Happy Slumber developed the Sleep Away Stress™ program because we know the importance of better sleep to your health and your overall success in life.

We are 100% committed to your results.

That’s why we offer a 30-day money back guarantee. If your sleep does not get better after completing our unique program, we’ll refund your money. So you have nothing to loose, except another sleepless night.